Future Strategy
Our mission
To provide a safe and welcoming building and car park in which we can assist Kirklees Library Services to run a library and information centre and in which community events can take place.
The outcomes we hope to achieve
To enhance the lives and life chances of people in Denby Dale and outlying villages by reducing isolation & loneliness; improving skills and aspirations; and helping children to have a better start in life.
What We Want To Achieve Over The Next 3 Years
Shortly before Covid-19 DDCL trustees were in the middle of reviewing our achievements and agreeing 1 or 2 new ’big things’ to aim for over the next 3 years.
We agreed we were already doing a lot right.
After Covid our initial focus was to get back as quickly as possible to operating normally, and in a financially sustainable way.
We may well face new challenges and, if so, will have to address these first.
After the above, our strategy may well be to:
Increase our ability to provide information, both to locals and visitors.
Broaden the choice of books available.
We will assess the results of the 2022 survey to try to ensure we are meeting the needs of the community where possible.